Can You Hear Me Now? | Hebrews 5

Apr 21, 2024    Abraham Moreno

Can You Hear Me Now? | Hebrews 5

based on Hebrews 5 delves into the spiritual stagnation and disconnection some believers experience. It addresses the common questions of why individuals struggle to hear or feel God as they once did, attributing these difficulties to becoming "dull of hearing."

The sermon explores several reasons for this spiritual dullness, including disappointment with church leadership (referred to as "Church Hurt"), fears from life's difficult circumstances, and a general skepticism towards spiritual authority.

It also touches on the scriptural role of Jesus as a compassionate high priest who understands human weaknesses. The sermon emphasizes the importance of maintaining focus on Jesus rather than human leaders, and the transformative power of struggles when handed over to God.

#StakesAreNotForBabies, #SpiritualGrowth, #HearingGod, #CompassionateChrist, #ChurchHurt, #OvercomingDoubt, #PrayerLife, #AlignWithGod, #TrueMinistry, #BiblicalWisdom, #FaithInAdversity, #ChristianLeadership, #UnderstandingJesus, #SpiritualStagnation, #DullOfHearing, #FollowJesus, #SpiritualCompassion, #PrayWithoutCeasing, #ServantLeadership, #ChristianService