“The Day of the Lord” | 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 | Sunday Morning Worship Service

Sep 3, 2023    Abraham Moreno

“The Day of the Lord” | 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

In Pastor Abraham's thought-provoking sermon, titled "The Day of the Lord," he addresses the urgent need for important conversations within God's family, the church.

He emphasizes the importance of discussing fundamental biblical truths about sin, repentance, salvation, spiritual health, and growth, as well as the future events of the Rapture, the great tribulation, the Second Coming, and our eternal destination.

Pastor Abraham passionately highlights how these conversations build up our hope and remind us that our redemption is drawing near. He challenges the prevailing trend in some churches of neglecting eschatology (prophecy) and focusing solely on worldly agendas.

As he delves into 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11, Pastor Abraham provides a compelling call to action, urging listeners to stay awake, be sober, and embrace the protection of faith, love, and the hope of salvation as they eagerly anticipate Christ's return.

Join us for this eye-opening sermon to strengthen your faith, deepen your understanding of biblical prophecy, and prepare your heart for the glorious return of our Lord. Let's journey together toward a future filled with hope, purpose, and unwavering faith in Christ.

#DayOfTheLord, #EndTimesProphecy, #FaithAndLove, #RaptureHope, #SpiritualPreparation, #EternalSalvation, #OvercomingFear, #WalkInFaith, #RedeemTheTime, #SonsOfLight, #ImportantConversations, #BiblicalTruths, #HopefulExpectation, #ChurchTeachings, #EndOfTimes, #Eschatology, #SpiritualAwakening, #FearlessFaith, #KnowledgeIsPower, #SonsAndDaughtersOfLight