Laying Up A Good Foundation. | 1 Timothy 6:19, Matthew 7:24-26 | Wednesday Night Prayer and Worship

Sep 13, 2023    Abraham Moreno

"Laying Up A Good Foundation." | 1 Timothy 6:19, Matthew 7:24-26"

In Pastor Abraham's sermon, he emphasizes the importance of building a solid foundation for our faith, drawing parallels between physical and spiritual construction.

He cautions against relying solely on fleeting feelings, the words of others, or past experiences to build this foundation, stressing that only Jesus Christ can provide the unwavering support needed to withstand the impending storms of life.

As the world faces uncertain times and global shifts, Pastor Abraham's message serves as a timely reminder to evaluate our spiritual foundation.

Don't wait until the storms arrive; ensure your house stands firm on the unshakable Rock, Jesus Christ. Join us to explore the depths of this vital foundation for a resilient faith.

Join Pastor Abraham to learn how to lay a firm foundation in Jesus Christ and prepare for the challenges ahead. Discover the strength and security that comes from building your faith on the Rock.

Don't miss this opportunity to fortify your spiritual life.

#SolidFoundation, #FaithTested, #BuildingOnTheRock, #TrustInJesus, #EternalDestiny, #PastExperiences, #ChristTheRock, #PrepareForTheStorm, #GlobalShifts, #ResilientFaith, #PrayerWarriors, #DivineGuidance, #SpiritualJourney, #FaithInAction, #MiraclesHappen, #SeekingTruth, #InnerPeace, #SoulAwakening, #GraceAbounds, #SacredMoments