Where Victory Is Found | John 19:30 | Good Friday Service

Mar 29, 2024    Abraham Moreno

“Where Victory is Found.” | John 19:30

"Where Victory is Found," set against the backdrop of Resurrection Sunday 2024, delves into the profound significance of Jesus' final words on the cross: "It is finished" (John 19:30).

This sermon unveils the culmination of God's redemption plan, a victory not just over death but over the power of sin itself. Through the seven sayings of Jesus on the cross, the message explores the depth of sacrifice, the fulfillment of prophecy, and the complete work of redemption Jesus accomplished.

As Pastor Abraham illuminates, this victory offers believers not just salvation but a transformed life freed from sin's dominion.

Future listeners are invited to step into this victory, understanding that Jesus' cry was not one of defeat, but of glorious triumph, marking the end of Satan's power and the beginning of our restored fellowship with God.

This sermon beckons us to embrace the finished work of Christ, leading us to a life of freedom and victory in Him.

#VictoryInChrist, #ItIsFinished, #CrossVictory, #ResurrectionPower, #FreedomFromSin, #RedemptionComplete, #JesusTriumph, #EternalVictory, #FaithInJesus, #ResurrectionSunday2024, #LivingInVictory, #OvercomeSin, #ChristTheVictor, #EasterFaith, #TheCrossSpeaks, #BelieveAndReceive, #NoMoreBondage, #GloriousTriumph, #HeIsRisen, #TheWayToGod